Many of us take our feet for granted when we are younger. They allow us to run, jump, and stand for very long periods of time. Our feet are often subjected to great amounts of pressure and shock. This constant pressure and impact can lead to foot disorders, foot pain and even back pain. At any age, protecting our feet should be a high priority.
What can you do when you are between paychecks and can’t afford new insoles, or when your feet need something more customized? You DIY them! You can DIY foam shoe insoles that will be perfect for you! You just need some Minicel T200 EVA foam to get started!

Why Insoles Are Good for Your Feet
To keep your feet comfortable, prevent pain, and absorb shock, shoe insoles are an invaluable tool to help maintain foot health. The importance of insoles is often underestimated.
There are many reasons why insoles are great for your feet. Some of these depend on the material that is used to make them. Generally, foam insoles are meant to add padding and support to keep you comfortable on your feet all day long!
Technology has made so many advances in footwear, yet many of the insoles that come with footwear are basic at best, providing little to no support. But why should you DIY foam shoe insoles? What are the benefits?
Foam insoles work to increase overall foot comfort. The foam takes the impression of your unique foot shape. Additionally, shoe insoles evenly distribute your weight and help you keep your balance.
A foam insole can also make a pair of shoes fit better if they are slightly loose.
Foot Pain Relief
Foam insoles have been thoroughly researched, and many results have found that they relieve pain. One of the major causes of foot pain is wearing uncomfortable shoes with hardly any support. As we add weight when we exercise, that weight is transferred to our feet. Foam insoles relieve heel, arch, and plantar fasciitis pain. They are also excellent for reliving spurs, corns, and neuroma.
Store-bought shoes are designed to fit an average foot. Because of this, those of us with high arches or flat feet have trouble finding adequate support in this area. Adding insoles can even help realign the bones and joints in your feet, ankles, and lower limbs to reduce arch pain and foot fatigue.
Assist with Existing Foot Disorders
One of the biggest and best reasons to start using foam insoles is not just keeping your feet comfortable right now, but also preventing future developments of foot disorders. As mentioned above, insoles have the unique ability to absorb foot pressure when standing, walking, or running. By using foam insoles, you are taking preventative measures against possible foot injury.
Preventing Foot Conditions
One of the biggest and best reasons to start using foam insoles is not just keeping your feet comfortable right now, but also preventing future developments of foot disorders. As mentioned above, insoles have the unique ability to absorb foot pressure when standing, walking, or running. By using foam insoles, you are taking preventative measures against possible foot injury.
Putting pressure on your feet without an insole can inflame the heel. This causes loss of flexibility and further foot pain. Foam insoles support the fascia, which ensures your feet retain their flexibility and movement without getting sore.
Help Your Shoes Last Longer
Another benefit of foam insoles is actually a financial one. Using insoles can reduce some of the wear and tear your shoes suffer. Since you will not have to replace them as often, it allows you to save some money.
Insoles Help Your Entire Body
Foam insoles help more than just your feet. Our bones and our bodies are all connected. When we move, an entire chain of muscles, tendons, and ligaments work in unison. Like a machine, when one cog isn’t working right, it can result in problems elsewhere.
DIY Foam Shoe Insoles
Be Proactive and protect your feet with these easy DIY foam shoe insoles.
- An old insole from your shoe or a pair of shoes that currently fit you.
- Cardboard or very thick paper to create a pattern.
- Pencil or pen for tracing.
- Sharp scissors, or a utility/craft knife
- Minicel T200 EVA foam
- Create a rough template using an old insole or a shoe that currently fits. Trace the insole or shoe on a piece of paper or cardboard. Make sure the surface is flat. Cut out the resulting shape.
- Use your template, trace two shapes onto your sheet of Minicel T200 EVA foam. Cut the shapes out.
- Place your new insoles into your shoes and trim away any excess if needed.
Voila! Enjoy your new DIY foam insoles!
i honestly thought there were about 4 people on earth willing to improve on available insoles. your company actually offered small samples to test out. i appreciate it.