Whether it is already hunting season or you’re preparing for next season, getting ready is extremely important! One of the most important aspects of hunting is having a great hunting blind to mask you both visually and audibly from the animal that you are hunting.
Although hunting blinds can be bought with these capabilities, it can also be very helpful to add different types of foam to make the blind even more insulated, both thermally and audibly. In this blog, we will discuss the different foams that will help make your hunting blind even more comfortable and efficient as you prepare to go hunting!
Thermal Insulation
There are a few different foam types that you can use to help with thermally insulating a hunting blind. One foam that is often used for home insulation is Polystyrene foam. This same foam can be used for hunting blinds. Polystyrene, or EPS foam, would need to be cut to fit the walls of the blind. To be safe, it is always a good rule of thumb to measure twice and cut once. As you work, keep in mind that you will need to use special tape or caulk around the seams of the foam to seal any extra air leaks.
If you want the maximum amount of insulation, feel free to cover the floor, walls, and ceilings. If you put EPS foam on the floor, it would also be recommended to put a more cushioned and shock absorbent material on top of it, such as Gym Rubber, so that you are not stepping right on the Polystyrene, which is much more rigid.
Other foams that can be used to help with thermal insulation are our Neoprene and Polyethylene Roll foams. These two foams can be used in tandem with Polystyrene, or they can be used on their own. The great thing about these two foam types is that they can also be used to help dampen sound, as well, which we will delve into below!
Auditory Insulation
Keeping warm while hunting is imperative, but it would be hard to hunt if animals are scared away by even the slightest noises. As mentioned above, sound barriers can help quiet things down a bit. Although there is nothing that can deaden sound completely, having a closed-cell foam like Neoprene or Polyethylene Roll applied to the walls of the hunting blind can dampen sound enough to give you a good shot at a buck.
As with thermal insulation, full coverage will also give you more sound dampening qualities, so applying the sound barriers generously over the blind will benefit you! Applying this foam is fairly simple; it can typically be installed using hanging strips or a Spray Adhesive.
Now that you have an idea of how foam can help on your hunting trips, don’t waste any time! Get everything you need today from Foam Factory, Inc, and make next hunting season your most comfortable and fruitful yet! Contact Us today to get what you need!