Oval Bolsters

These tubular forms are helpful when you need extra support, be it under the knees, legs, or even the neck or back while reclining or sitting. With an extra inch of width added to one side, these oval bolsters won't roll out of position, and provide comfortable support without the drastic adjustments of perfectly round cylinders. Available in antimicrobial Medical Foam and temperature-sensitive 5LB ViscoMAX memory foam.
Foam Options:
Medical Foam: Burgundy
5LB ViscoMAX Memory Foam: Pink
Physical Data Sheet: Medical Foam Physical Data Sheet
Physical Data Sheet: 5LB ViscoMAX Memory Foam Physical Data Sheet
Manufacturing Tolerances
Products may carry a size tolerance depending on the style and job. Please see our Tolerance Table.
5LB Memory Foam Color
5LB memory foam may differ in color from light pink or pink to peach.